Minor ordinary maintenance and repairs involving identical materials and design (in-kind) may not require review such as small areas of siding replacement or a few pieces of trim. However, larger areas of in-kind repair and replacement as well as any work that would change any existing feature or material will require an application.Not all work that requires a historic district permit will require a building permit. Please note that windows and doors do not fall under this category; while they can be repaired they cannot be replaced without approval. The painting of wood surfaces does not require review nor does the choice of paint color. However, the painting of any masonry surface, regardless it it is currently painted, does require review and approval. Please contact the City’s Historic Preservation Specialist for a determination or with any questions:
City Planning Department
1120 Monroe NW
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
616-456-3451, rbaker@grcity.us
Even when approval is needed it often can be given by the staff. Nothing is lost by asking advice, and much difficulty can be avoided in case approval is required.
Posted in: FAQ