Annual Pledge Plea – Help Us Keeping Working Together
Keep your Heritage Hill Association working with you to keep our amazing neighborhood safe and sound. We need your financial support to continue operating.
Together we have been good stewards of this great place that we call home. Our neighborhood is in demand, organized and vibrant. Yet Heritage Hill is an urban neighborhood that requires continued attention to remain being the space we have all worked so hard to create. Land use issues, development pressures, traffic and parking congestion and public safety are all concerns that neighbors need to be at the table and engaged in the decision-making.
We need your help to raise $24,000 through our pledge drive to continue to provide the crime prevention and neighborhood improvement programs that you depend on to keep you informed, activated and safe.
Why do you need the Heritage Hill Association?
We are in our 51st year of preserving this important neighborhood. HHA is its public face and the first place most people turn to experience our neighborhood. We provide information and guidance on everything Heritage Hill. Our staff has a combined 70 years of living in and working for this neighborhood.
The Association is well respected at City Hall and the greater Grand Rapids area for engaging neighbors and providing informed positions on issues that impact the quality of life in our neighborhood. We provide amplification to our communal voices.
Our e-alerts deliver pressing issues to your Inbox and provide information to keep you safe and active in neighborhood development.
HHA needs your financial help to continue working together with all neighbors. Please consider increasing your gift and talking to your neighbors about giving as well.
Many hands working together — Every donation is a charitable donation per IRS tax provisions and is very much appreciated. Please donate on-line at our home page. Thank You!