1. Pick up an application

    Pick up an application at the Neighborhood Services Office at 1120 Monroe NW; at the Heritage Hill Association, 126 College SE; or at the Cherry Hill Market, 721 Cherry SE,

  2. Consult with the Historic Preservation staff

    If there is a question, consult with the Historic Preservation staff person. Ask whether a building permit or zoning approval may also be necessary for the work you wish to do. Ask for any HPC guidelines which apply to the kind of work you are planning. Other technical assistance materials are available on many topics.>

  3. Fill out the application

    Fill out the Application. Address the applicable guidelines, if any. Include a complete description, drawings, photos, materials lists and building materials brochures or samples which will help the Commission to understand what you plan to do.

  4. Submit the application by mail, email or in person

    Submit the application by mail, email or in person to:

    Neighborhood Services Office 1120 Monroe NW. If staff can act on your application, you will get a response promptly. Payment may be made by phone, in person or via mail.

  5. If the application will go for review by the Commission, you will be notified of the date of the next meeting (first or third Wednesday of each month, at 5:00 p.m.). Applications normally must be submitted at least 12 days before the meeting at which they will be considered.
  6. Commission members will visit your property

    Commission members will visit your property prior to the meeting for which the application has been placed on the agenda. This helps them understand what you are proposing.

  7. Try to be present at the Commission meeting

    Try to be present at the Commission meeting. It is very helpful for the applicant or a knowledgeable representative (such as a contractor) to be present.

    The Commission wants to avoid delays whenever possible, When a representative is present, questions can be answered which will allow a decision to be made immediately If there is a problem, it is often possible for the Commission and the applicant to agree on a change in the proposal which will lead to an approval. Otherwise, applications often have to be tabled with a request for more information.

  8. A Certificate of Appropriateness will be issued

    A Certificate of Appropriateness will be issued by staff when an application has been approved. It is mailed to the applicant. If it is denied, the Commission will be happy to advise the applicant on changes which would be acceptable.

  9. 8. It is possible to appeal a denial

    It is possible to appeal a denial to the State Historic Preservation Review Board. There are few appeals, because most concerns can be resolved between the Commission and the applicant with some modifications of the proposed changes. Consult with staff on the procedures for reconsideration by the Commission or an appeal to the State.

  10. Be advised that meeting agendas can fill up prior to the filing deadlines.

Posted in: FAQ