Bay City, MI Has Two New Historic Districts modeled after HHA
Check out this amazing story and videos we received in our Inbox:
“You may or may not remember 2 young girls walking into your office in December 2011, with a little pocket camera, asking questions about preservation.
Myself (Chelsea Sturza) and my partner-in-crime, Emily Morgan, were on a mission to create 2 local historic districts in Bay City. The city commissioners made it very clear to us that they did not want to pass any historic designations, as it would restrict all of their homeowners and bring down the community. We spent a weekend in Grand Rapids looking at your Heritage Hill district and merely captured video footage as a means to take notes. We ended up creating these 2 videos to show the Bay City commissioners. The vote passed unanimously. J
I don’t think we ever told you this story before. Thank you for taking this time with us!”